Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Belajar Excell (Guna Excel Total Row untuk kita sum data dalam jadual filter)

Hari ni nak share maklumat untuk buat auto total row after filter

How to add a total row in Excel tables

  1. 1. Mula-mula kena tambah total Row kat bawah row.
  2. Cara 1:
    How to add a Total Row in an Excel table.
  3. Cara 2:
 click Table > Totals Row.
Another way to add a Total Row in Excel.

How to total data in your table

automatik line 7  ditambah
Using the Total Row in Excel
Pilih function yang dikehendaki: click the drop-down list arrow, and select Sum:
To total values in a specific column, click the drop-down list arrow, and select Sum.
If the total row automatically displays a total for a column that doesn't need one, open the dropdown list for that column and select None.
Note. When using the Excel Total Row feature to sum a column, Excel totals values only in visible rows by inserting the SUBTOTAL function with the first argument set to 109. You will find the detailed explanation of this function in the next section.
If you want to sum data both in visible and invisible rows, do not add the total row, and use a normal SUM function instead:
Add the Total Row to sum only visible cells, or use the SUM function to add both visible and hidden cells.



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